



Monday, August 19, 2019

Home sweet rolling home

Our home sweet rolling home.


It has been a long journey just to get to this point.  Last Sunday we finally put a down payment on our trailer. Now we are in countdown mode. Still working on lining up the last few dollars since we are paying out of pocket. Will definitely be eating a lot of soda crackers and ramen for the next several weeks.
first day touring trailer in June

A few months ago I mentioned in this blog that I was going to post about our continuing life inside of the hotel, to prepare for full time RV living. Well, obviously, that didn't happen. Instead, I have spent my time writing, just not about tiny living.

                                                                                             Natalie approves

Trying to get ready for the P.D.I. Pre-Delivery Inspection, is rather terrifying. Having not been in a travel trailer in years and years, I am relying on memories from decades ago for how to even RV. Most of what I know about camping in a travel trailer isn't even relevant anymore. We have to know things we don't even know we don't know. Catch problems we don;t know exist and make sure nothing slips past us in an inspection that the sales person has no intention of actually helping us out.

                                                                this trailer has everything plus the kitchen sink
                                                                               they need to replace this light

Any problems we catch during the inspection, he has to get fixed. If we mix, say a leaking septic system, and drive off the lot with it, then it is our problem, not his. Since we are planning on living in this trailer full time, we can't afford to miss anything big or we are so in trouble. We can barely afford electric cords at this point, so the idea of special toilet paper is a luxury for another day.

When we talked to our sale man,, he was as typical as we have heard. The dealership is a couple hours away, so we just called him up from the card he gave us. We told his the price we were willing to offer. He described the trailer we wanted, right down to the tear in the flooring and the missing light over the door.

First he told us he could meet our price. Then during the next phone call he changed and said no. When we talked to him in person, he was showing us a trailer that was $3000 cheaper than the one he described in detail the day before. But was trying to sell that one at increased price.

When paperwork was presented, the other trailer was on it. TWICE!  Sent it back once, and they tried to get us to sign on wrong trailer a second time!

                                                                                       the bunk room
relaxing in 'new home'
I wish that I thought these things were accidental, but everything I have read about salesmen says they lie as often as they breathe. 😞

                            main bedroom                                          many windows and couch

There are some great people on RVillage  who have been incredibly helpful, already. It is great to 'talk' to people who understand things about RVing when we are such novices.

In addition to figuring out how to 'pass' the PDI without missing any major trailor flaws, we need to figure out what 'must haves' we 'must have' to get without any money.

From what I understand, hose(s) come with the trailer, plus a sewer hose, as well. Propane tanks and a battery. That leaves tire chocks and surge protector at the top of the list. I am hoping everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, else can wait until the next pay day.

Long day, time to go home
This feels like a jumping from the frying pan into the fire type scenario. 

The beginning of our life as fulltime RVers! #homesweetrollinghome

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Scarlet Gay

  I was born invisible. The ability to walk through a crowd unnoticed was my superpower. Through the halls of a house, a school, a world without making a ripple.

Not a superstar or a super intelligence or even a troublemaker. Just the nice one.

I learned early on to live with a “sit down, you’re rockin’ the boat” mentality. And, I played that role well.

And, I was comfortable with it. For a while. Until I woke.

It wasn’t a floodgate moment…

                                                          more of a




The Scarlet  Gay

I don’t have words. I have thoughts, emotions, feelings, all jumbled up in a burning mass of red hot...


It is the one word I keep coming back to.

“It [the scarlet letter] had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and enclosing her in a sphere by herself.”  Nathaniel Hawthorne

We all have our own scarlet letters, burned deep into our souls, far away from society’s judging eyes. Do I wax philosophical the entire societal faults leading up to this moment in time, or focus on those letters radiating brightest?

Twenty-six letters, and we start with A.

This is where I should tell you that I am a whore. A big f***ing slut whore. Notice the neon lit A flashing brightly on my chest. It flickers a bit. Just to add some twentieth century imagery to your mindshot.

I had premarital (gasp) sex (gasp) with the man who would become my husband. I know. Take a minute. He is the only man I have (lean in) F***ED!

And, shocking plot twist. NOT! I GOT PREGNANT! Prego! Bun in the oven!

Pregnant at my wedding. Yeah, it happens. Having a baby born with ’tiny hands’ before it was the new, in-thing, was considered the Scarlet Letter from GOD. Four point six billion people on the planet, and the family believed God pointed his finger at me.

THE biblical WHORE!

Try living with that kind of shaming.

It may seem like A would be the very first red letter in my alphabet, but is not. That first letter in the list is much harder to define. It is never talked about. The family secret no one will admit to, even now. I’ve buried it so deep, it is burned right into the center of my heart, where no one could ever touch it.

Ever find it.

It could be S for, ‘oh so shy.’ I wanted to disappear. Fade away to invisibility. Vanish into the background most of my life. C for cruelty.  N for narcissistic personality disorder. M for mental illness.

Or, perhaps for the hardest word added to any sentence in my entire life:  Mother.

But, instead, I will go with V. Voice.  Her voice whispering I wasn’t good enough. Never GOOD ENOUGH. Her screaming, “Failure!” The snarled, “I'll jump,” as her car careens down the highway, “Agree or I’ll jump.” Unintelligible screaming! Her kicking, rolling on the ground, howling at the local Super Valu, because I dared to make plans. Any plans.

I decided, during my freshman year of high school, to count how many days in a row I was screamed at. Not the, "Do you your homework," parental nagging, but full out, top pitch screeching. When the Christmas Holidays came, without one single days break, I stopped keeping track.

At sometime during my mid-twenties, I was informed I would not have a right to an opinion until I was thirty-six. I have no idea what made that age special, but it too came and went.

Standing in her back bathroom painting the walls white, while my husband was in the front room working on her computer, I heard her telling my oldest sister on the phone, "Mary and Greg refuse to come over and help me."

After all the years of the abuse, that was the beginning of the end. Foolishly, I thought, if she is already lying to people about us not helping, when we were there all the time, doing this and that and everything else, what else could she possible say?

In the end, she told lies that we stole from her and my father. Tried to get custody of our two youngest girls and made death threats. I finally shut it all down, after I found myself on the floor with a bottle of pills, and no place farther to drop.

Still, her voice echoes. Reminds me, almost daily, that I’m a failure…failure…failure. Won’t let me look in a mirror. Or call my own children, for fear of becoming the voice in their heads.

In the years since I closed that door and saved myself, I have not spoken to any of my brothers or sister. So, I guess i need to add a B for black sheep, now, as well. 

My truth is 'fake news' to everyone else.

Then, there’s D on its own dark cloud, so obviously for depression. It doesn’t cut so much, as smother. It sucks the breath right out and sucker punches in the dead quiet of 3:00 am or crowded bread isle at Target.


But, in this case, it also stands for doctor. Not red, but shimmering bright with hope. This doctor didn’t give medicine or hours of therapy, he gave me back myself. He listened.

“Walk away.” He said, “Jesus loves you. Jesus understands.”

Simple, isn’t it? But in a lifetime of, “You didn’t pray hard enough.” Or “You’re a whore.” It was a bolt of sunshine.

Ah, G. Or as I have been referring to it lately, my Scarlet Gay.

I'm cut raw by the so called ‘super’ Christians. You know the ones. They are so sure they are on that yellow road to Heaven, they stopped being decent people long ago. Their claims of being oppressed, because LGBTQ couples can now marry must be taken seriously! Obsessing about what happens inside my adult children's bedroom is HOLY and NOT Lust or Coveting the Neighbor!

And claims MY children will “burn in hell,” based on ‘behavior’ which, of course, implies SEX, and their not full-time work with severely disabled autistic children or groundbreaking advancement in Alzheimer’s research. People who, veritably, are making the world a better place, now and into the future, are going to burn because of LOVE.

Yet, those who spend their days spreading hatred and condemnation have a place in Heaven? Really?

Every single time, I consciously choose not to post photos of my son and his long-term boyfriend kissing, I become the shy girl who just wants to disappear. There’s the guilt of a Mother, who can’t seem to stand up for her own son. This isn’t shame. It is mental exhaustion from living in a world where people believe they walk on water.

Try thanking God for the blessings in your life. There are many, so many, many people who

are not as fortunate. To look down on them for protesting against things you freely admit are not going to affect your lives. Is that really

These past few weeks, I can’t help reliving those days where bullies ruled the schools. Sending a sweet little blonde girl off to start kindergarten, both of us were oblivious to the cruelty of the world ahead. Her coming home and saying, “They say, I’m bad luck.”

Watching the sparkle fade.

Worse yet, was hearing people say she was cynical and angry, after years of abuse. As if, somehow, being treated poorly needs to be accepted with a smile and a thank you.

Yes, there were kids who bullied relentlessly, but the ones that stick out the most were adults.
In fourth grade, the teacher hardheartedly informed my daughter she couldn’t go out for recess, because the other kids didn’t like her. The bus driver said, “Bullying doesn’t happen if he doesn’t see it.” (while driving.) The school system later reinforced, if an adult didn’t see it, it did NOT happen, policies.

The best (you know I mean worst) of all, was the typing teacher, who gave her an F for not being able to keep up in class. She has no fingers on one hand and half fingers on the other. No amount of reasoning could get said teacher to change her mind. So, F apparently stands for fail, fingers or F***k you, little disabled child.

And, praise the Lord, that teacher is a vice principal, now.

This mother, who still wants to shyly fade into the background, has no choice but to become an advocate, instead.

I look around, and I see a world where the bullies are shouting that not just my children, but America's children, brothers, sisters, families and friends are not good enough. They tell me to get back into my corner and be quiet. They say, “Don’t post. Don’t speak. Don’t exist.”

After a lifetime of being bullied, battered and abused, they want me to close my eyes to the abuse of others.

Red, BrownYellow, Black and White...   link

I was, quite literally, born to stand up, and fight this fight. I see behind the facade of “We’re good people.” Good people have been battering me down my entire life. I might not always be strong. I might crumble onto my knees in despair at the utter heartlessness of some good people.

But, I will always get back up and fight.


I love my children, all of them. Without one flicker of doubt or hesitation. I will wear the Scarlet Gay and A and every other letter I need to, to protect them, and everyone who needs to be cared for in this bitter world.

I can do this, because Jesus loves me. And, love is all that really matters.