she was my best friend
the voice in the dark on quiet nights
my conscience
my co-conspirator
the spark of light
it doesn't get better
the tears aren't easier
this path I walk is lonesome
without my sister, my soul has no shadow
Way back in August of 2016, I learned I am allergic to wheat, milk, sesame and soy. Other foods like egg whites, peanuts, shrimp, walnuts were also on the foods to avoid list. Since then, it has been a journey of learning a whole new way to look at food and cooking.
My youngest daughter, Natalie has helped me create recipes that are, at times gluten-free, sometimes just wheat-free, and yes, there is a difference.
While this blog began as a food/recipe only blog, our life has changed 180 degrees in the past couple of years.
In September of 2019, we became a 100% RV living family of three. After just over a year and a half of both fulltime RVing and worldwide pandemic, we turned in our keys and put the trailer into storage.
This sunshiny blog records the craziness of our lives and is now the perfect place to document another momentous life change. As I write this, I am still surrounded by boxes, so many boxes. And so little furniture.
We spent 15 months being hotel nomads. 21 tucked inside an RV. What the future holds from here, it is hard to say. Today, I am watching a couple of house finches build a nest in my begonia plant hanging out on our new patio. Life is good.
As we lay our RV dreams to rest, I will continue to document the triumphs and challenges of downsizing from house to apartment to hotel to our successful goal of full time RV living and now back into an apartment.
There are plenty of trails to hike and oceans vistas to gaze upon.
As always, we will new recipes using our IP (instant pot) once I find the electric cord, missing from the move. And, for the first time in over three years, we have a real oven…macarons, corn bread, MEAT LOAF! Oh, so many possibilities. Recipes to come!
These first few days, we are enjoying just having space to breathe. Hope you enjoy this journey as much as we do. Time to get this show off the ROAD, setup and ready for new adventures.
By the way, I write as I roll, please excuse any misspellings. I will come back and fix them at some point. Life is busy, busy, busy.
The blog above is my own. Written by me with my own tastes thoughts and opinions. The opinions are mine and mine, alone. They are not meant to influence you in any way, whatsoever. I believe everyone has the right to their own opinions. I happen to believe I am right on just about everything. ♥♫ *Ü* ♫ ♥ These view are not, however, necessarily the views of any employer, past, present or future. I reserve the right to delete any comment, for any reason whatsoever (e.g., abusive, profane, or offensive comments). all, if you don't agree with my opinion, you are obviously wrong. Have a wonderful day.